
Happy for participating GSoC 2010

I am happy that I win in GSoC 2010. And I can work for OpenMRS as a GSoC student again:-)

In this summer, I will work on "Localization Tools" and be guided by Mike Seaton.

Here, I will thanks for many many guys who help me.

Thanks Mike Seaton, thank you for giving me such a precious chance to work in this year's GSoC.

Thanks Ben Wolfe, thank you for giving me many good suggestions while I am preparing for my GSoC proposal.

Thanks Michael Downey, thank you for spending a lot of time on administrating the entire process of Students' GSoC apply.

I also want to thanks many other people who also did a lot contribution for GSoC, both Mentors and Students.

At last, Congratulate other GSoC students on winning in this year's GSoC! Let us make great efforts and work for OpenMRS, together:-)