
Weekly Report for Project (2009-08-24)

    What i have done in last week are as follow:

    (1) I have communicated with Ben about how to design the page "confrimImport.jsp" for showing all things will be imported.

    (2) I have communicated with Ben about how to search a guess answer/setmember and confirm when to add occ mapping for every concept imported, guessed, and chosen

    (3) I have completed a part of writting the controller "ConfirmImportConceptFormController".

     And the left work is as follow:

     #1 write the confirmImport.jsp to list off all things will be imported into database.

     #2 improve the controller "ConfirmImportConceptFormController" to deal with the post request from page "confirmImport.jsp"


Weekly Report for Project (2009-08-17)

    What i have done in last week are as follow:

    (1) I have communicated with Ben about how to design UI for picking up a similar concept to save into user's database.

    (2) I have looked through some simple stuffs introducing the spring mvc. And now i will begin to implemented the UI and controllers for importing similar concepts.

Weekly Report for Project (2009-08-10)

    Sorry for delay posting my project updates about two weeks, because i couldn't access google blogger when i was at home in the past two weeks. What i have done in last two weeks (2009/7/26 - 2009/8/10) are as follow:

    (1) I have resolved the ticket#1701.

    (2) Modify the occ's serialization, so that it can deal with the case that openmrs will only go one level for user object when do serialization.

    (3) Completed a part of importing similar concept work, now we can see the box having the similar concepts in it, the left work for me is that deseiralize from the string and save that similar concept into openmrs database.